As his father said that the boy CAN DO ANYTHING NOW, PLAY football, climb mountains…..Following is his treatment process
Before Treatment After Treatment After Treatment
These are AMAZING progresses of our new patients. Most patients tried MANY MANY other treatments but FAILED to get positive results. However they astonished themselves with OUR treatment ONLY couple of DAYS
A South Africa patient’ experience:

An India Patient’s Experience
Following is an India man who first contacted us on April 17, 2022. As he wrote: “he is limping in walking, unable to walk long, restricted movement”, then he asked thousands of questions: he has doubts about his local doctors diagnosis of AVN, he enquires about out treatment effects……..he negociated on the treatment cost (the COST depends on patient’s body weight height and Xray/MRI – it is not like that you buy food on market!); he ASKED reference repeatedly! he worry about his payment……

After He hesistated some time he made HIS FIRST PAYMENY on May 28, 2022. After he made his payment
we did not run away therefore he had more trust in us

We will do our BEST for each patients. Patient should frankly tell us the exact situation of their CONDITION and what other treatments they took so that we can have correct diagnosis!!

Before taking our treatment this India patient Said THAT HE CAN only do the first exercise in first video and the second action in the second video – watch the videos. After he took our treatment ONLY 2-3 days, he CAN do these actions FREELY! HOW wonderful! Surprised YOU? This is the MIRACLE of TCM.
After our treatment ONLY 2-3 days he CAN。。。。