1 . Clinical Diabetes Mellitus ( primary diabetes mellitus)
It may further be divided into Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes mellitus . In the total number of diabetes mellitus, the epidemiological incidence of Type 1 is lower than ten percent while that of Type 2 is higher than ninety percent .
2 . Subclinical Diabetes Mel l itus ( glucose tolerance decrease)
Blood sugar on an empty stomach is generally below7 .8 mmol / L . In most cases there are no marked clinical symptoms, but test of glucose tolerance shows that blood sugar is raised.
3 . Diabetes Mellitus During Pregnancy
Diabetes mellitus occurs during pregnancy, or within or after two hours after oral administration of glucose, blood sugar will be raised over 11 .1 mmol / L.
4 . Susceptible Population of Diabetes Mellitus
In the cases of twin brother or sister of diabetic patients, the blood relatives of the diabetes type 2 , the obese fellows, the primipara with giant infant, the members of the races and minorities with high incidence of diabetes mellitus, and those who have a latent tendency toward development of abnormal glucose tolerance although their glucose tolerance is not abnormal.
5 .Other T ypes of Diabetes Mellitus
These include secondary diabetesmellitus and dystrophic diabetes mellitus .