Cured patient BEST convinces YOU!
Click HERE to see amazing progresses of our NEW patients
A Patient from SOUTH AFRICA started his treatment March 15, 2018. Now HE WANTS to PLAY Soccer! SEE his PROGRESS! Many Patients contacted us, but they doublt and hesitate, therefore they are STILL SUFFERING. This Patient TRUSTs in us and NOW He is happy! We will update more patient’s progressess soon.
If no wonderful effects, this India gentleman will not do his third treating courses RIGHT?
In all treatments it is expensive to treat necrosis. Many many patients told us they wasted huge money without getting results,while our treatment surely can cure this tough condition. Some patiens could not open their legs and hard to move, but only in one treating ocurse of our treatment, they CAN climb stairs, isn’t it a MIRACLE! We understand it is big money issue for most families, therefore we do our best to back you a heathy hip and you CAN walk and work normally!

Why You Can Trust in us – Why You do not need to worry about your money – a lady’s journey from Doubt and Worry to full Trust and appreciation….
Click to see the FULL Story – A Patient’s journey – first contact on May 20, 2021 to last talk on Feb 16, 2022

You my have same worries, same doubts, same questions, same thoughts….. after you read through this patient’s journey, you will FULLY trust in us as she did! Sincerely hope that this real story can help you develop your firm trust in us immediately so that we can focus on treating your conditions, instead of wasting Huge time to clear up or remove your doubts, worries, and questions……..Such as:
” How can I access your treatment, I am in North America, Africa, Europe…….”
“Can you reduce the cost?” – how much paste (cost) you need based on your body weight and height and xray
“What is the duration of the treatment?” – you first do 2 – 3 course treatments, then take a new xray, we review the dead bone absorbation and new bone growth situation, then we know how long you need….
“How can I pay, how do I prove that you are genuine?” – you can use our official bank account to make your pay! This lady fully trust in us now – read the journey, you will see HOW RESPONSIBLE AND HOW TRUSTFUL WE ARE.
“Do you have branches in my country?” – No! we do not have any branches in oversea and in China except our TCM clinic headuartered in Jinzhou near Beijing
When you make your payment, please writie the purpose of the payment as “health service or Medical service”
After you make your payment, please give us your transfering record, so that we can trace it to avoid any delay
Also after you make your payment, give us your DETAILED mailing address, phone, and the receiver’s name
If you delay your payment, you ONLY delay your treatment as this lady did, she first contact us on May 20, 2022, but made her payment on Sept. 16, almost 4 months passed
We fully understand your worries that you risked with your money as this lady thought at very beginning (because the money transaction is to an invisible person as she said)
After you make your payment, tell us your email, we will email you the instructional videos which you will follow to do the treatment at your home
We sure that your money is safe!!! (all money trasfers on this World are SIMPLE and quick, but if your money transfer will be through a SPECIAL Intermediary Bank (as this lady’s money transfer is through a Libyan bank), it may take coule of more days and need more information from you, in this case you just need to follow our instructions, then ALL is OK!
In all cases we SURE your money Safty!!

6 Patients from 4 different countries -they confirmed the effect, they released suffers, they trust in us, they are continuing…
Statement: Except our Hospital, so far we do not have any branches in Oversea and in China. We ONLY started to treat Overseas in 2017. We express our treatments to oversea patients ALL over the World.
The above gentleman first contacted us in July 2018, then he tried many other treatments, no use and no effect, he eventually backed to us in 2021. Onle after 3 treating courses, Now he told us that all AVN symptoms have gone!!
Sino-Health Service Center (Jinzhou TCM) – Whatsapp & phone:+86 13230481935
Sino-Health Service Center (Jinzhou TCM) has been working in clinic researches and studies of Necrosis for more than 40 years. We penetrated the underlying mechanism of necrosis and found the key to cure the intractable condition. From the extensive practices and profound knowledge of traditional Chinese Medicine over thousands of years, combining our persevere efforts, selected from thousands of Chinese herbs, we invented the external using Chinese Medicine Spraying Agent and Paste as well as Injection agent (Patented in China) which is natural, safe and no side effects. We have cured thousands of Chinese patients so far. They avoid the terrible hip replacement while they get new healthy hips. We started to treat oversea patients in 2017. The voice record below is the first oversea patient who is from an Embassy of an Africa country. Now he is happily working as a senior staff in the Embassy. The Top communications (email of 2020/12/20 and Whatsapp snapshots -2018/03/15 to 2021/08/16) are from a Gene expert in South Africa. His son is completely cured. The screenshots below are chattings from most recent patients – see only in few days they released huge suffering and achieved big progresses. Therefore they are happy to advertise our treatments! The Mauritius lady feels huge regret to have done the hip replacement of her left hip and now is taking our treatment for her right hip. She initiatively suggested us to advertise our treatment World-wide so that more and more patients can avoid the hip replacement (see her words below). We surely cure this condition. But some patients interrupt their treatment after their pains are released and movements are free. They think that they can work and live normally, everthing is OK, then stop the treatment. Actually this is not good! We aim to completely cure your condition and let you to have a healthy new hip. The subsequent treatments are planned to completely delete the lesion and promote the new bones to fully develop which need time to become mature as you may understand. Also See the experiences (from some patients) with other treatments and our treatment at below!
Whatsapp & Wechat & phone:+86 13230481935
The testimony of our most recent patients is the BEST confirmation of our treatment for AVN!
So many patients tried many other treatments and GOT NO Effects. And so many OUR patients confirmed that OUR TREATMENTS can CURE AVN by their testimonies. We really do not understand why YOU still do not trust in us and KEEP asking thousand of questions. Your questions are mostly answered on our website, before you ask us again, carefully read our website.
The mechanism – see
Questions and answers
Risks of Hip Replacment
What is AVN
TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) CAN NOT CURE all conditions BUT TCM CAN CURE this tought condition (AVN) for sure!
About the costs
The cost is directly related to the Xray (how worse the condition is), your body weight and height. Therefore, when you contact us, please give us the exact information of your body weight and height and send us your xray. Then we will give you the cost details.
Special Notes to all cured Patients
After you spent lot of money and time, finally you get cured with our treatment. Please NOTE, the bone growth is LONG time process, you can walk and work normally, freely , and happily, BUT you still CAN NOT put too MUCH force on the cured hips. After several years you CAN use it as a natural one.
Note:Whatsapp: +86 13230481935 Wechat: +86 13230481935
DO NOT MISS the Treatment TO GET A WELL FUNCTIONING FEMUR HEAD!! IT IS A GREAT TRAGEDY IF only because YOU are short of TCM knowledge or only because you doubt TCM treatment of AVN, YOU miss the Chance to save your own HIPS, instead to get a PROSTHESIS! OUR TCM treatment cures the necrosis from the ROOT!
Click to see The Mechanism – How Our Treatment Cures Your Necrosis
TCM treatments can not cure all diseases, but CAN CURE your conditions of the intractable Osteopathy such as Avascular Necrosis, Osteoarthritis, Tuberculerosis of bones and joints, Lumbar Disc Protrusion, Cervical Spondylosis….by powerful, natural, safe, No relapse external application. WHY YOU NEED hurting SURGERY!
Cure Intractable Bone Diseases by Powerful, Natural, Safe, No-relapse External Application
You STILL Suffer AGONY only Because You doublt and hesitate
Many Oversea Patients keep asking Information from us and want to talk with our Patients who are under our treatments. Please understand MOST patients do not want to be bothered. The BEST way is to try one course yourself, then you confirm the EFFECT yourself. In addition, we will update feedback from our patients here. You can read these updates.
All patients who ACCEPTED our TREATMENT immediately CONFIRM the AMAZING EFFECTS – SEE following

1. Our treatment results(X-rays) for the senior patients

Case 9 Ms Feng, 65yo, left femoral neck fracture was caused by trauma in Dec.,2014, after operation for one year, the fracture could not heal, and resulted in whole left femur head necrosis. The patient had not been able to get off the bed for 1 year and 5 months before coming to our hospital. After 12 treating courses (120 days) and 6 months rehabilitation, she completely healed and can take all activities as normal peoples do.
Before treatment, X-rays show that the left femur head seriously collapsed, lots of dead bones can be seen within the head, joint space disappeared, diagnosed as femur head necrosis stage 4 complicated by osteoarthritis.
After 16 treating courses (160 days) and rest 16 months, the X-rays show that the dead bones were completely absorbed, the collapsed part of the head bulged out and restored original shape, new trabeculae can be clearly seen, hip joint space resumed, the femur head necrosis is completely cured!

Case 10 Ms Jiang, 82yo, in year of 2000, she was treated to cure right hip joint pains by steroid medicines in a hospital, after 5 months, which led to bilateral necrosis. 2 years later she came to our hospital for treatment. Before treatment, she could not turn over on the bed. X-rays show that her right femur head seriously collapsed, huge dead bones existed within the head, the joint spacing disappeared, and complicated by osteoarthritis. After treatment and 16 months rehabilitation, new X-rays show that the dead bones were completely absorbed, the collapsed part of femur head bulged up and became round, new trabeculaea are clearly seen, new cartilage tissue grew out, joint spacing resumed, and both femur head necrosis were cured. She do home work and physical practice such as walking very often, each time, she feels good by walking 2km.
2. Our treatment results(X-rays) for the child patients

Case3 Patient Liu, male, 11yo, before treatment, X-rays of Dec 26, 2006 show that left femur head and epiphysis seriously collapsed, flatted, and cracked. The bone density was uneven, borderline of femoral neck was unclear, Femur head and acetabulum showed lots of dead bones. Left femur head necrosis was in stage 4 (China staging).
7 years after treatment and rehabilation, X-rays of Feb 13, 2015 show that the dead bones on left femur head and acetabulum are completely absorbed. A full-sized new femur head and acetabulum grew out. Trabeculae are clear, surface of hip joint is smooth, space of hip joint resumes normal, the femur head necrosis is completely cured!

Case 7 Patient Hu, Male, 6yo, his parents told us that the child feel pains on the hip joint and limp for 7 months, they came to our hospital on August 30, 2013. Before treatment, X-rays show that left femur head epiphysis became flat, bone density was uneven, Femoral neck became thickening and shorten, the borderline was not clear, structure of trabeculae were unclear, Diagnosed left femur head necrosis stage 4.
After treatment, the follow-up X-rays of August 21, 2015 show that the dead bones on left femur head epiphysis and femoral neck are completely absorbed, trabeculaea are clearly seen, Femur Head Necrosis is cured!
3. Our treatment results(X-rays) for the Middle-age patients

Case 1 Mr. Hou, 51yo, on Nov 7, 2000, X-rays (before treatment) show uneven bone density on Femur head, Femoral neck, and around area, necrosis, and bone structure deterioration. The femur head collapsed and shrank. Diagnosed Right Femur Head necrosis complicated by pyogentic infection of right hip joint. After 12 treating courses and 3+ years rehabitation, X-rays of March 20, 2015 show that the dead bones on Greater trochanter, femoral neck, and femur head was completely absorbed. And amazing new smaller femur head grew out, the hip joint surface became smoother, femur density increased, hip joint functions are basically normal and femur head necrosis were clinically cured

Case 6 Mr. Zhang, 49yo, left femoral neck fracture due to falling from high building in August, 2012, but could heal after 7 months of the internal fixation of femoral neck fracture, came to our hospital in March, 2013 for treatment.
Before treatment, the X-rays of March 13, 2013 show that the vestige of the nail is obvious, poroma was not seen on the place of bone fracture, femur head was abnormal, femur head necrosis complicated by internal fixation for femoral neck fracture.
After 12 treating courses and 21months rehabilitation, the X-rays of June 2, 2015 show that femoral neck fracture completely healed, after taking out of the nail, the nail pass completely resumed normal. Femur head necrosis lesions disappeared, and the necrosis is completely cured.
4. Our treatment results(X-rays) for the youth patients

Case 4, Mr. Yan, 37yo, pains on right hip and left knee joint, limp. Diagnosed as femur head necrosis in other hospital, frustrated in the treating results there. By introduction of our previous patient cured, transferred to our hospital on August 17, 2013.
Before treatment, X-rays of August 17, 2013 show left femur head necrosis, head collapse, and cyst changes. The ruptured necrotic bones are fragmented and in free state. Diagnosed left femur head necrosis stage 4, complicated by osteoarthritis. After 12 treating courses and 1+ year rehabilitation, the X-rays of July 5, 2015 show that the left femur head necrosis including the free state fragmented bones are completely absorbed. New trabeculae are formed, hip joint surface is smoother, and achieved clinical cure.

Case 5 Mr. Xu, 28yo, bilateral hip joint pains with unknown causes for 2 years, left hip pains became worse and complicated by joint function difficulties. Jan 9, 2014 X-rays show that left femur head seriously collapsed, the structure of bone trabeculae disappeared, and numerous cystic changes can be seen, left hip joint space became narrow, borderline of the femur head was unclear and not smooth, structural deterioration of acetabulum were seen. On the right femur head, block mass of necrotic lesions can be seen, structure of bone trabecula disappeared, many unequal sized cystic changes appeared. Diagnosed as left femur head necrosis stage 4 complicated by Osteoarthritis, right femur head stage2 (China Staging1-4).
After treatment, June 15, 2015 X-rays show that the dead bones in left femur head were completely absorbed, the normal structure of new trabecula can be seen on the sites of cystic changes. The hip joint surface became smooth, On right femur head, the necrotic trabeculae were completely repaired and became normal. Right and left femur head necrosis are cured.
If you want more examples of our curing results, contact us by
WhatsApp & Phone: +86 13230481935 or Skype: or email:
Treating processes:
1. Thorough diagnosis – we hope that you can come to our hospital even for 1 or 2 or 3 days… you can do the X-ray here, but if you can not come, we need your recent X-ray(taken within 30 days). You must express the negative (hard copy) of the X-ray to us, then we finish the diagnosis through phone or Internet
2. Based on the diagnosis, our doctor team will design the Chinese Medicine formula specially for you.
3. These Chinese herbs on the formula will be made into fine powders first and then paste for the external application. We put the paste into the bag and then attached the bag to the right position of your body as the picture (below) shows.
4. In each stage you should follow our doctor’s instructions to do Exercise and training practice
5. According to your special conditions, you may or may not need some supplemental Chinese Medicine (Nutrition) to strength your kidney, liver, and other body organ functions.
Our treatment by Chinese Medicine will cure the root of your necrosis with no relapse.
For more than 40 years clinic researches and studies, we penetrated the underlying mechanism of necrosis and found the key to cure the intractable condition. From the extensive practices and profound knowledge of traditional Chinese Medicine over thousands of years, combining our persevere efforts, selected from thousands of Chinese herbs, we invented the external using Chinese Medicine Paste (Patented in China) which is natural, good smell, safe and no side effects. The critical is that it can cure the root of your necrosis and no relapse.
Osmosis proficiency of external applications:
This invention successfully solved the osmosis proficiency of external applications. It can penetrate the skin and reach lesions of deep bone tissues quickly and show effect in several hours after application. The medicine application aims at clearing vascular lesions, and improve the blood micro-circulation of the lesions so that normal blood supply will be realized. The critical is that our treatment by Chinese Medicine will cure the root of your necrosis and no lapse. When the treatments finish, not only your cartilage but also your femur head will be regenerated, the necrosis is cured.
Intractable conditions we have successfully solved:
1. We successfully cured late/last stage juvenile and children’s necrosis.
THEY HAVE A PERFECT FUNCTIONING NEW REGENERATED BIO FEMUR HEAD, NOT PLASTIC OR METAL PROTHESIS!!! When they first came to our hospital, many children’s femur head and epiphysis almost or already COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED, some only remain a little dead bone. After 12 treating courses (144 days) the amazing miracles show up, even these severe cases are clinically cured through our patented therapy. Actually after 8 treating courses, the follow-up X-ray shows the necrosis lesions are totally improved, and also the hip functions ideally resumed.
After 1-2 years rehabilitation, all patients regenerated a perfect femur-head/epiphysis.
2. We successfully cured the late/last stage necrosis of middle-aged patients with long course of necrosis conditions!
For middle-aged patients with 5 – 30 years course of disease, even their conditions developed into late/last stage: their femur head is seriously collapsed or fully filled by dead bones, some patients even only remain a couple pieces of dead bones. For so worse cases, as long as they strictly follow our doctors instructions, take the prescribed oral Chinese Medicine, plus Chinese Medicine bath, supplement the therapy with diet treatment to get more nutrition to nourish kidney, liver etc, do exercises and physical training, the blood circulation of the necrotic hips and legs will be fundamentally improved, in the same way, a smaller sized (compared to the healthy peoples) femur head is regenerated and also cartilage is regenerated. After our treatment, they can do the usual labor work and activities, and live as normal people do. The cases we treated included some patients who have sequelae of hip joint tuberculosis or pyogenic joint arthritis at child time.
3.Our treatment successfully tackled the new bone regeneration for late/last stage senior patients(over 70 year old).
Many senior patients at late / last stage not only had serious necrotic damage of femur head(some only remain 1/3 or 1/4 ), but also their acetabulum is seriously damaged too. They have serious pains and can not turn over on the bed. We combine the necrotic lesion treatment with whole body regulation by applying physical extension, hot compress, hip joint relaxing massage in addition to some nourishing natural Chinese medicine, equally, the necrotic lesions of these senior patients are repaired and a new (smaller than normal peoples) femur head is regenerated. In the same way, the acetabulum lesions are cured, the damaged, unclear, and coarse acetabulum becomes smooth and clear. As the cartilage is regenerated, the disappeared spacing of the hip joint appears again.
4.After femoral neck fracture, Many 60+ years old patients can not heal for long time and are complicated by whole femur head necrosis.
Our therapy successfully cured the intractable conditions for senior peoples – femoral neck fracture (can not heal for long time) complicated by whole femur head necrosis. From lots of cases we treated, as long as the fractured bones are in good alignment(or fixed by surgery) or formed embedding, not prone to dislocation, or even if the good alignment is only over 1/2, then the fracture will heal after 80 – 120 days treatment and 3 months relaxing by our external application of Chinese medicine plus physical extension and other physical treatments. As the blood supplies on the necrotic femur head are improved and become normal, the femur head necrosis is cured too.
Our treatments are effective for all age group patients with bone fracture. Even 80+ years old patients with failed surgery can be cured after 6 – 10 treating courses.
Please Review following Testimony about OUR TREATMENT and OTHER treatments. YOU conclude yourself! But please show these testimonies -Specially the X-rays of CASE 1, CASE 3, CASE 4, CASE 5, CASE 6, CASE 7,CASE 9, CASE 10 (for different ages) to YOUR LOCAL DOCTORS. They know the X-rays are from same person, because like human finger prints, the X-ray of Hip is unique to each person. TELL your local doctors “NOT cut patients HIPS to make them disabled”! our TCM treatment CAN save their hips for SURE! If you want your own HIPS, not a Prosthesis, please contact us now: WhatsApp: +86 18032911295 Skype: email:
The Earlier You trust in us, the Sooner your suffering is released! See following Newest updates from oversea patients. We CAN CURE your tough AVN conditions which others CAN NOT, but we do not know how to dispel your Doubt at the beginning. The following patients was hesitating at the very beginning like you do now, BUT, they chosed to trust in us, and their suffering is released!
As all of you know, FOR THIS TOUGH CONDITION, Conventional Medicine(Western Medicine) has no cure for it! At early stage(the best time to cure it easily), your local doctors only can treat the symptoms(decrease your pains), then later ask you to do Core Decompression, until the final, you have to do HIP REPLACEMENT which has so many risks involved! Even if you are lucky enough to have a successful hip replacement, the Plastic or Metal Parts can not work well with our human body bones, Muscles, organs….you have to do the SURGERY again after some years. You become disabled. FORTUNATELY! our TCM has a perfect solution for this tough illness! IF only due to your doubts/worries, you loose the opportunity to have a happy future life, IT IS A GREAT PITY TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! Since there are many things you do not know, and since Western Medicine can not cure it, as well as there are many risks involved! Why don’t you give yourself a new chance to try Our TCM treatment? You first try 2-3 courses, then you will confirm it, right? It is NATURAL therapy, no hurt! Think over it! You try it, you trust in it, and you are cured!
Our treatment is a break through that defies medical verdict. In the medical community, most doctors don’t believe that the progression of AVN can be reverted, especially in severe case, but they are impressed by the remarkable results achieved through our therapy. Even in late stages, the femur head of our patients can be saved using our methods.
Please show ALL of the following X-ray pictures from OUR children, youth, middle-age, and senior Patients to your LOCAL DOCTORS, and let them know and see our Miracles in treating AVN. You may not be expertise at these X-ray images, but your local Doctors know them well and they understand HOW AMAZING our treatment results are! Show to them!
NOW your healthy and happy life in future is in your choices:
(1). You may take so many risks (read hip replacement risks below) to do hip replacement TO GET a Plastic or Metal PROTHESIS which not only has so many risks but also need to be replaced again after 10-15 years.
(2). The OTHER superior choice is to be treated by our traditional Chinese Medicine therapy which is EFFECTIVE, SAFE, NATURAL, NO RELAPSE, EXTERNAL APPLICATION to regenerate a new WELL functioning femur head for you.
Do not take pain killers any more!
Do not do the Core decompression!
Do not do hip replacement!
because these treatments MAY RUIN your hips and ruin your future life!
The plastic or metal PROSTHESIS is NOT our bones and muscles! They can not work well with our tissues!
See our treatment results(X-rays) for the senior patients – how well they are.
See our treatment results(X-rays) for the middle-age patients – they live AND WORK IN a normal life!
See our treatment results(X-rays) for the youth patients – they walk, run, ride, climb…..
See our treatment results(X-rays) for the children patients – they have a perfect new bio-femur head.
If you want more examples of our curing results, contact us by
WhatsApp & Phone: +86 18032911295 or Skype: or email:
Why a PROSTHESIS, If You can have an ALL Well Functioning Femur-Head? 1. Visit us to see TCM Amazing curing results in your EYES! 2. Search Internet for all information about disadvantages of Hip Replacement – IT IS PROSTHESIS, NOT YOUR FEMUR HEAD!!
50,000 metal hip replacement patients RECALLED to hospital for X-rays over toxic fears
OUR TCM TREATMENT IS EFFECTIVE, SAFE, NATURAL, NO RELAPSE, EXTERNAL APPLICATION WHICH WILL GIVE YOU A FULL FUNCTIONING BIO-FEMUR HEAD. THEN WHY YOU TAKE SO MANY RISKS RELATED TO HIP REPLACEMENT -Vein thrombosis, Dislocation, Fracture, Osteolysis, Loosening, Metal sensitivity, Metal toxicity, Nerve palsy, Chronic pain, Leg length inequality, even Death for a PROSTHESIS?
The BEST and the Most CONVINCING Advertisements are OUR HAPPY Patients who are cured and live NORMAL life.
Contact us for a visit to our TWO top Specialized TCM hospitals which have different treating costs. You talk with our patients and see the remarkable effects yourself. Then, you decide which one you prefer. WhatsApp & Phone: +86 18032911295, email:
What is Hip replacement?
It is a surgical procedure in which the hip joint is replaced by a prosthetic implant – a hip prosthesis. The aim of such joint replacement orthopaedic surgery is to relieve arthritis pain or for some hip fractures. It is divided as a total replacement or a hemi (half) replacement. A total hip replacement (total hip arthroplasty) consists of replacing both the acetabulum and the femoral head while hemiarthroplasty generally only replaces the femoral head. Patient satisfaction short- and long-term varies widely about this most common orthopaedic operation in Western Medicine treatment.
Risks and complications
In hip replacement risks are similar to those associated with all joint replacements such as Vein thrombosis, dislocation, loosening, impingement, infection, osteolysis, metal sensitivity, nerve palsy, pain and death.
Vein thrombosis
Venous thrombosis such as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are relatively common following hip replacement surgery.
Dislocation is the most common complication of hip replacement surgery. At surgery the femoral head is taken out of the socket, hip implants are placed and the hip put back into proper position. It takes eight to twelve weeks for the soft tissues injured or cut during surgery to heal. During this period, the hip ball can come out of the socket. The chance of this is diminished if less tissue is cut, if the tissue cut is repaired and if large diameter head balls are used. Surgeons who perform more of the operations each year tend to have fewer patients dislocate. Doing the surgery from an anterior approach seems to lower dislocation rates when small diameter heads are used, but the benefit has not been shown when compared to modern posterior incisions with the use of larger diameter heads. Patients can decrease the risk further by keeping the leg out of certain positions during the first few months after surgery. Use of alcohol by patients during this early period is also associated with an increased rate of dislocation.
Bones with internal fixation devices in situ are at risk of periprosthetic fractures at the end of the implant, an area of relative mechanical stress. Post-operative femoral fractures are graded by the Vancouver classification.
Many long-term problems with hip replacements are the result of osteolysis. This is the loss of bone caused by the body’s reaction to polyethylene wear debris, fine bits of plastic that come off the cup liner over time. An inflammatory process causes bone resorption that may lead to subsequent loosening of the hip implants and even fractures in the bone around the implants. In an attempt to eliminate the generation of wear particles, ceramic bearing surfaces are being used in the hope that they will have less wear and less osteolysis with better long-term results. Metal cup liners joined with metal heads (metal-on-metal hip arthroplasty) were also developed for similar reasons. In the lab these show excellent wear characteristics and benefit from a different mode of lubrication. At the same time that these two bearing surfaces were being developed, highly cross linked polyethylene plastic liners were also developed. The greater cross linking significantly reduces the amount of plastic wear debris given off over time. The newer ceramic and metal prostheses do not always have the long-term track record of established metal on poly bearings. Ceramic pieces can break leading to catastrophic failure. This occurs in about 2% of the implants placed. They may also cause an audible, high pitched squeaking noise with activity. Metal-on-metal arthroplasty releases metal debris into the body raising concerns about the potential dangers of these accumulating over time. Highly cross linked polyethylene is not as strong as regular polyethylene. These plastic liners can crack or break free of the metal shell that holds them.
As shown on right radiography, hip prosthesis displays aseptic loosening (arrows)
On the radiography, it is normal to see thin radiolucent areas of less than 2 mm around hip prosthesis components, or between a cement mantle and bone. However, these may still indicate loosening of the prosthesis if they are new or changing, and areas greater than 2 mm may be harmless if they are stable. In the first year after insertion of uncemented femoral stems, it is normal to have mild subsidence (less than 10 mm).
Metal sensitivity
Concerns are being raised about the metal sensitivity and potential dangers of metal particulate debris. New publications have demonstrated development of pseudotumors, soft tissue masses containing necrotic tissue, around the hip joint. It appears these masses are more common in women and these patients show a higher level of iron in the blood. The cause is unknown and is probably multifactorial. There may be a toxic reaction to an excess of particulate metal wear debris or a hypersensitivity reaction to a normal amount of metal debris.
Metal hypersensitivity is a well-established phenomenon and is common, affecting about 10–15% of the population. Contact with metals can cause immune reactions such as skin hives, eczema, redness and itching. Although little is known about the short- and long-term pharmacodynamics and bioavailability of circulating metal degradation products in vivo, there have been many reports of immunologic type responses temporally associated with implantation of metal components. Individual case reports link hypersensitivity immune reactions with adverse performance of metallic clinical cardiovascular, orthopedic and plastic surgical and dental implants.
Metal toxicity
Most hip replacements consist of cobalt and chromium alloys, or titanium. Stainless steel is no longer used. All implants release their constituent ions into the blood. Typically these are excreted in the urine, but in certain individuals the ions can accumulate in the body. In implants which involve metal-on-metal contact, microscopic fragments of cobalt and chromium can be absorbed into the patient’s bloodstream. There are reports of cobalt toxicity with hip replacement patients.
Nerve palsy
Post operative sciatic nerve palsy is another possible complication. The incidence of this complication is low. Femoral nerve palsy is another but much more rare complication. Both of these will typically resolve over time, but the healing process is slow. Patients with pre-existing nerve injury are at greater risk of experiencing this complication and are also slower to recover.
Chronic pain
A few patients who have had a hip replacement suffer chronic pain after the surgery. Groin pain can develop if the muscle that raises the hip (iliopsoas) rubs against the edge of the acetabular cup. Bursitis can develop at the trochanter where a surgical scar crosses the bone, or if the femoral component used pushes the leg out to the side too far. Also some patients can experience pain in cold or damp weather. Incision made in the front of the hip (anterior approach) can cut a nerve running down the thigh leading to numbness in the thigh and occasionally chronic pain at the point where the nerve was cut (a neuroma).
The rate of death for elective hip replacements is significantly less than 1%.
Leg length inequality
The leg can be lengthened or shortened during surgery. Unequal legs are the most common complaint by patients after surgery with over lengthening the most common problem. Sometimes the leg seems long immediately after surgery when in fact both are equal length. An arthritic hip can develop contractures that make the leg behave as if it is short. When these are relieved with replacement surgery and normal motion and function are restored, the body feels that the limb is now longer than it was. If the legs are truly equal, the sense of inequality resolves within a month or two of surgery. If the leg is unequal, it will not. A shoe lift for the short leg, or in extreme cases, a corrective operation may be needed.
Metal-on-metal hip implant failure
Failures may relate to release of minute metallic particles or metal ions from wear of the implants, causing pain and disability severe enough to require revision surgery in 1–3% of patients. Design deficits of some prosthesis models, especially with heat-treated alloys and a lack of special surgical experience accounts for most of the failures. The cause of these failures remain controversial, and may include both design factors, technique factors, and factors related to patient immune responses (allergy type reactions). It is not clear to what extent this phenomenon negatively affects orthopedic patients. However, for patients presenting with signs of an allergic reactions, evaluation for sensitivity should be conducted. There is increasing awareness of the phenomenon of metal sensitivity and many surgeons now take this into account when planning which implant is optimal for each patient.
TCM Patented Medicine – External Application, Teating at Home, Low Cost-Welcome to visit us & see the remarkable RESULTS in your Eyes
You do not need IN-PATIENT TREATMENT. Procedures are as following:
1. It is better that You come to our hospital for a thorough inspection and diagnosis.
But if you can not come, WE can arrange remote diagnosis online – WE NEED THE latest X-ray photo (it must be taken within one Month). If you have CT or MRI, express them together to us(We prefer high quality X-ray )
also other medical information about the patients, like age, sex(male or female), causes of the avascular necrosis of femur head and illness details…
2. After carefully reviewing your X-ray and case information, our expert team will make treatment formula special for you – The medicine is PATENTED AND HAVE CURED more than 150,000 patients so far. Then most patients choose to take our medicine to go back home, but if you like, you may stay in our hospital for treatment, we have 300 beds. If you back to home, you should strictly follow our doctor’s instructions and our doctors will keep in touch with you.
3. After 3 -5 courses you must take NEW X-ray inspection and express the photo to us or you can come to our hospital for checking, depending on the inspection result, our doctors may alter little in your treating medicine.
4. Cure Results:
For early stage patients, after 14 treating courses, All is Set! For late stage patients, after 14 treating courses, the patients need to stop treatments for about half years, and then take 5-6 consolidating courses, then finish. That is All.
Even for late stage patients, they will restore normal FUNCTIONS. After our treatment, the patients will have a new femur head ( this is new femur head grown from your body – NOT the implanted PROSTHESIS ), ANYONE can IMMEDIATELY realize the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE BIO-FEMUR HEAD AND THE PROSTHESIS! The new grown femur head may be exactly same to or little different from your original one, depending on the damaged extend of your femur head before our treatment. You have ALL normal functions, of course, you can not expect to compete with Athlete or climb too high mountains or lift too heavy things which may bring damage to femur head.
For detailed COSTS and CURE Results or for a visit to us, feel free to contact us:
Phone/WhasApp: +86 13230481935 skype: email:
Our hospital is the first TCM hospital that specializes in the treatment of femur head necrosis using non-operative and non-invasive TCM external application. The hospital has 300 beds. The hospital treats both national and international patients. Because of the definitive results its treatment course achieves, Chinese government designates the hospital as National key special hospital for treating Femur Head Necrosis. The hospital uses patented Femur Head Necrosis Treatment formula, which is uniquely non-surgical, non-invasive to treat Femur Head Necrosis.
The new therapy of femur head necrosis is a break through that defies medical verdict. This therapy applies a patented Chinese medicine to activate the intrinsic properties of bone tissue, keeping the hip joint intact as the necrotic femoral head adapts itself to the functional environment. The treatment course repairs the structure of the femur head, improves blood circulation, strengthens bone, tendon, and muscle tissue, and aids functional rebuilding. By our treatment, even late stage femoral head necrosis can be reverted and repaired, while function of the hip joint is improved.
In the medical community, for late stages of femur necrosis, most doctors don’t believe that the progression of this disease can be reverted, and your local doctors only can suggest you to do Hip Replacement which has so many risks and brings hupe pains to patients. Once the surgery fails, patients will be disabled for future life. But now the remarkable results achieved through our treatment supprised doctors on the World. Even in late stages, the femur head of our patients can be saved by our treatment.
Based on fundamental theories of Chinese medicine Meridians and Acupoints, our treatment can improve intraosseous circulation to nurture bone tissue, repair necrotic bones and restore physiological functions of the femoral head.
In conventional medicine treatment, surgical procedures of vascularized bone or muscle flap grafting, osteotomy, core decompression, interventional therapy, bone grafting upon debridement, and transplantation of synovial membrane, etc are employed to increase blood supply and release obstruction of circulation and necrosis of weight-bearing. But these procedures can not cure the root of the necrosis, and eventually total hip replacement is inevitable when the condition develops into later stage AVN of the femoral head.
Our patented treatment has broken through the history of surgical procedure alone to treat AVN of the femoral head and saved hips of later stage patients withour surgery. By releasing effective components of Chinese herbs to targeted necrosis places through our treatment, the therapy can improve intraosseous stress and electric potential and speed up the head-acetabulum repairs. for some patients, the orally administered Chinese herbal medicine warms kidney, consolidates the body functions, and benefits marrow and essence. The orally taking Chinese medicine and the external application of Chinese herbs together adjust components of intraosseous elements, improve blood supply, repaire lessions of necrosis, restore healthy bone structure, increase mechanical property of the femoral head and thus resume hip’s normal functions.
This novel treatment aims to clear the necrosis lesions, culture fresh tissues, and reconstruct and improve bone structure within the femoral head. So far we have saved thousands of domestic and oversea patients.